They are everywhere...white rabbits...and we follow them. No questions asked. Hopefully to some form of enrichment/enlightenment but mainly because that's just what we do. And i am following mine and it is leading back down the cathode ray tunnel. April sees the beginning of a re-development phase of Watch iT! in association with the Almeida Theatre in London and the National Theatre of Scotland. All good, as i get to play about with some of the digital, sound and dramatic elements of the show. And while that is going on we are also getting ship shape to head of to Brazil in June as part of the Festival Cultura Inglesa. Fellow Zoo Venues company 2 Faced Dance Company are out there right now. Parabens (i'm practising my Portugese)...I remember battling some of those young pups at the Edinburgh Vaults many fringe festival moons ago. Whether you like their work or not, they have certainly weathered a few storms and have grown surely and steadily. And in this game i think slow and steady wins the race. Not that we are competing of course.
I had my head firmly buried in another tunnel last week, as we mounted Squish at the March Moves festival last friday. I thought i had made a show that would be simpler to get about. It seems that developed it's own intricacies and complications along the way. Nonetheless, we got it done and I reckon R2M has another quality production on the books...i could be biased however. Pictures courtesy of Colin Thom / City Moves.
What with all these white rabbits over the place it get hard to pick out any flashes of colour in one's environment. Such coloured moments come in many of which i think is some late night musical discoveries. This one is not so much a discovery, but a continued check up. With a new website up and some great music, make sure you take some time out to listen to Lior Shoov...muso, clown, improviser and plays with a hang...the holy grail of musical instruments (do you know how difficult it is to get hold of one?). I met Lior during an excursion to the Israeli Contact Festival and have continued to be impressed by her free flowing irrepressibly creative attitude. Mind you...i only see it through the eyes of the internet and the grass is always greener...sometimes. De toutes facon J'espere que tout ce que vous lapins blancs sont a la poursuite, que vous etes profite moins de temps en temps.