Monday, 21 November 2011

Old dog, new tricks?

Sometimes, when one is training, it's hard not to do the things you like or are good at. You can get caught in a bit of a creative cul de sac. But realising that, is definitely the first step to breaking the old routines. Bearing this in mind i decided to try my hand at some acrobatics. Yes, i'd done a bit of tumbling (or more like fumbling) before, but i'd never attended an acrobatics convention. I thought i might finally be able to nail a back flip with an intense 4 day training opportunity. So i ensconced off to Bremen for a few days with a wily bunch from my neighbourhood and got to grips, literally, with some acro. It turns out there was to be no tumbling but a lot of hand to hand, foot to foot and sometimes face to floor acrobatics. I was straight in at the deep end attempting to balance grown men on my feet. If anything my hip adductors got a great workout. It wasn't quite what i was expecting but nonetheless an entertaining and rewarding experience. I met some new people, saw some impressive shit and got a few ideas for my own work in the process. I have to admit that i was most impressed by the sturdiness of some of the older participants....

check the entry...nice!

Another first was had in the form of the world premier (no less) of Public Service at the DANCE:FILM 2011 Festival. I decided to give the short film section from Watch iT! a life of it's own and at the same time hopefully spread the gospel of Room 2 Manoeuvre to the masses. Judging by the healthy amount of laughter from the audience it seemed to be hitting the spot. However, you can't please all the people all the time and i think the rather mild pornographic content was too much for one punter who left at the end mumbling "...this isn't what i came for!". At least i'm affecting people. So what exactly has R2M been doing on the dance front? well plans are underway to get to grips on a new group piece where Hitchcock meets Hip Hop. Rehearsals begin for 3 weeks on the 5th Dec and i'll do my best to keep up some daily action on this here blog. Til then...stay fresh and try something new. x

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