Thursday, 30 August 2012

The news that brews

Well i kinda forgot that part of the idea behind this blog page is that it forms part the "news" section on the R2M website...not just an outlet for my waxing lyrical about whatever floating my boat or burdening my boogie.

So i'm happy to report that i've somehow managed to blag my way into a show that will tour internationally. I had hoped to do this with R2M, but of course there's still time for that. The show in question is Blaze. It's an uber commercial hip hop venture but will be touring to Thailand and Russia so i'll have some of that thank you very much. I'm not even on board for my dancing prowess but more for my unique comic timing and animated visage. Yes i get to clown about a bit and dance a bit and generally have a good time. Nice! Cast turnaround is pretty high so i may be out on my ear before i know it, but for now i'll enjoy the ride.

So that's something to look forward to, but looking back...way back...back into 2006, we are remounting the first half decent theatre piece created by Random Aspekts and will be performing Rock a Bye B-Boy at the Edinburgh MELA on the 1st & 2nd sept. We'll have to dust the cobwebs of the old pyjamas and try and find that Thomson Twins record we added some glitter and sparkles to as part of our prop requirements....where did i leave it...?

After that we return to the Glitch project with performances at Whale Arts (6th Sept) and InSpace (7th Sept). Both venues in Edinburgh so if your in Auld Reekie come and check it out.

Then it's a reunion with Wild Biscuit for a performance of MOVE at Blas Festival 2012 at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness on Sept 8th. Bagpipes meets breakdance!

...and then i'm outta here. It will be some serious R&R for a couple of weeks before returning back to the big smoke to get involved with a dance version of 12 angry men called "Deliberance" as part of the DanceLive Festival 2012 in Oct.

Boom! There you go that's what's up in the world of R2M. Of course throughout all this ill be punting the fine name of R2M out and about. The goes without saying...except i just said it. I do have some pictures i ought to upload but don't have them on my person just now. However did you know that R2M has a Tumblr page...lots of pics there.

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