Suffice to say it's never nice to be caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Today the cookie jar happened to be the croissant section of a rather large tescos store. So it's like this...i love croissants or...j'adore les croissants. They are my favourite pastry above all others. This stems from a weekend passion that developed while at school and doing seeing practice every saturday at a local vets. I would get up pretty early and make my way downhill into town. En route, however, was a bakers. Not the kind of bakers you would expect to be selling french patisseries but they had them nonetheless. Best croissants i've ever had. Must have been something to do with the butter they used or whatever...but they tasted great and were so flaky. I used to buy 4, 2 for saturday and 2 for sunday while watching Rawhide. So ever since then they have formed a staple part of my diet and pretty much the first thing i put into my gob (aside form a coffee) when i go to a new place. Checked out the laugencroissant in Germany...mind trip!!! Anyway, the point is i sometimes help myself to a cheeky pastry while doing the shopping rounds. I spend enough money in tescos, i think a little give and take shouldn't be such a bad thing. Well the law of averages states that sometimes things won't work out in your favour and this time cctv did it's job and got their man. So i'm 80 pence down and wondering if this penchant is now a problem?
The visit to tescos was a late lunch outing for today's project. So to add to matters a disgruntled driver was insisting that we had managed to scratch their car when opening the door. Now i'll admit the door made contact (yes...hands up that was me also) but not to the extent where it was going to cause any damage. The driver in question got their dad on the case and, simply out of a matter of principal, kicked up a moderate fuss that ended up in a verbal stalemate. In the end hardly worth any drama, so the matter was dropped and i was happy to get the hell out of that place...hoping we wouldn't run anybody over in the process.
To round off the day we did 2 good performances of the Glitch show, which seemed to go down quite well with the local audience. Looooong day. And it can be an even longer time before people learn their place in the studio setting and when to pipe up and when to pipe down. I'm not impervious to this trait either...but i'm learning. We all are, so patience hombre.
To wrap up, here's a video i found via the book of faces...absolutely brilliant!
I also saw this film Shut Up and Play the Hits about LCD Soundsystem's final gig as they bowed out on a high...there's a group who knew when to make some noise or keep schtum.
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